Sunday, November 25, 2007

Female Ignorance

This one is for the women that feel as though they are misunderstood by men........

I must say that I loathe petty, ignorant women. I have strong feelings about ignorant women because I believe that women are the foundation of society. We keep our homes in operation. We have wombs for the sole purpose of creation and birth. So, when I come into contact with female ignorance, I get sick and fighting mad!!!! LOL!!!!

I over heard a conversation between some women the other day....I found it to be quite disturbing. They were talking about the lack of "qualified, worthy" men in our culture (black) today. They were going on and on about their self-independence, careers, materialistic bull-crap. (I wanted to just $&%$ slap them all) They were suggesting that their status was above most men and that a man would not be able to handle their independence. They also suggested that the men that were approaching them were not their financially. UUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to get on my soap box for just a moment........I must vent.

1. The women that were speaking will ignite the distinction of human beings because they are creating a homosexual attitude. In my opinion, they have subconciously eliminated the male species out of their minds. As a result, the union in which God created will be overlooked, belittled and avoided. Sad, isn't it.

2. To the young lady that made the statement, "the men that approach me are not on my level financially," you are ignorant. I personally believe that classy women attract classy men. What is it about you that attracts the type of men that you attract?

3. You can have all of the money and material things in the world, but without the love of God you will fill empty. Without someone to share all of that stuff with, it is useless. Tangible things can be taken away. Love outlives it all.

4. When I found my mate, I saw the potential in him. We were too young to be concerned with status, money, cars and other crap. I saw the potential in him. As his wife, it is my responsibility to help make that potential come to life. So if you are such a prize, a 10, why can't you get with a man that has less than you and inspire him to do more?

A woman should accent her man. She should be the apple of his eye. A woman should motivate her man to go above and beyond what is expected of him.

I am an educated, independent black woman. I have a degree and a career. I don't need a man to take care of me, or to pay my bills. I have the ability to do it myself. I do not desire to do this alone. I want a man in my life. I want my husband to support me and I him. I want to be taken care of and I want to take care of him. That is the beauty in relationships, free-will. It is my personal desire to be with my husband and to allow him to be the man that he has been called to be. It is by his own free will that he is with me, to support and to take care of me. It is his choice to be supportive of my choices that allow me to be who I am.

Ladies, words and thoughts have life. Change your thinking. Stop putting our black men down. We are all that they have.

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